All Grade 5 Students in Durham Region are eligible for the Grade 5 Action Pass which gives them:
- Free public swimming
- Free public skating
- Free drop-in programs
For more information visit
Recreation Programs
Register for a Recreation program
For further information, please call the Uxpool at 905-852-7831 or email
Summer Camp 2025
Registration opens March 5 at 7:00am! Browse the camp flyer below to make your summer camp selections. Register online via ActiveNet or in-person.
In-person registration will be held at the Uxbridge Arena (291 Brock St W) There will be NO In-person registration at the Uxpool.

Register for a Summer Camp Program
Or call 905-852-7831
If a program is full, we encourage you to register on the program waitlist. In the event of a cancellation or if additional spots become available, participants will be pulled from the waitlist to fill spots.
Frequently Asked Questions – Summer Camps
Age Requirements |
Our programming is designed for specific age groups. Age requirements for camp programming is based on the current calendar year. If your child meets the minimum age requirement of the camp by December 31, 2025, they are eligible to register. |
Camp Hours |
Camp hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm each day. The Township of Uxbridge is not responsible for your child before or after these operating hours, unless your child is registered for extended care.
Extended Care |
AM Care is available for certain camps and is offered at Elgin Park, for drop-offs between 7:30-8:30am. We are not responsible for your camper before 7:30am. Please see camp flyer for availability. PM Care is available for certain camps and is offered at the Uxpool, for pick-ups between 4:30-5:30pm. The late fee policy will apply to those who pick up after 5:30pm. Please see camp flyer for availability. |
Late Fee Policy |
A $5 late fee will apply for every five minutes after 4:30pm that a camper has not been picked up and who is not registered for Extended Care. To avoid a late fee, please consider registering your camper for Extended Care, should you anticipate not being able to arrive on time for pick up. |
Sign In/Out Procedures |
All campers are to be signed in and out with their camp Supervisor by an authorized parent/guardian. Prior to your camper’s first day of camp, please fill out a ‘Permission to Pick Up’ form located in your camp information package, listing and authorizing specific persons to pick up your child. Those who arrive to pick up a camper will be asked to provide a piece of photo ID matching the authorized person(s) before the camper is released from our care. If you need to update your Permission to Pick Up list throughout the week, please speak with your camper’s Supervisor. |
Camper Code of Conduct |
The Township of Uxbridge is proud to provide safe, secure, and welcoming environments for all participants and staff members. Coarse language, bullying, vandalism, physical and/or aggressive behaviour, and/or any other behaviour that is deemed inappropriate is strictly prohibited. Such activity will be recorded, reported, and may result in removal from the camp program and/or facility at the discretion of Management. |
Camp Information Packages |
All camp specific program information (i.e., medical forms, permission to pick up forms, etc.) will be emailed to the email address associated with the camper’s account by the Thursday evening before the camp start date. Please ensure that your email address, emergency contacts, and camper medical and special request information is up-to-date in our system. Should you have any further questions after reading the camp information package, please contact Camp Director at or 905-852-7831. |
Health and Safety |
All campers with a medical concern(s) are required to complete a Medical Form prior to their first day of camp. Medical Forms can be found in the camp information package, which is emailed to the address on file prior to the first day of camp. If a participant has a communicable disease or a current public health concern, we kindly ask that they not attend UxCamps during such time. |
Allergies and Medical Concerns |
All campers with an allergy or medical concern(s) are required to complete a Medical Form before attending their first day of camp. Once registered, this form will emailed out to the participants’ email address on file ahead of the first day camp. If your child has an allergy that has not already been communicated to camp staff prior to the program start date, please email or call 905-852-7831 stating your child’s name, camp program, and dates attending, so that the allergy can properly be communicated. We ask that parents/guardians DO NOT pack any peanut/nut products in their camper’s lunch, due to the high volume of campers and staff with severe allergies. We thank you in advance for taking precautionary measures to ensure the safety of everyone. Medication If your camper requires medication during camp hours, please complete the Medical Form. All medication must be in its original container and campers should only bring the prescribed dosage for the hours that they attend camp. Proper administration instructions should also be included. Medication should be given directly to Camp Supervisor upon arrival and is not to be left in the care of the camper. The Camp Supervisor will assist with medication administration. Epi-Pen Campers who require an Epi-Pen are required to keep it with them AT ALL TIMES (we can provide a carrying device if necessary). If you are more comfortable having the Camp Supervisor carry it in their first-aid kit, please arrange that with them upon drop off Monday morning. |
In the Event of Illness |
If a camper falls ill while at camp, they will be placed in a quiet room with a staff person and isolated from the rest of the camp group. The camper’s parent/guardian will be contacted to pick up their camper immediately. |
Swim Tests |
Each camp will have the chance to participate in an hour of free swim at least once per week. Should your child choose to participate, a swim test may be required. A deep end swim test consists of swimming the width of the Uxpool (across and back), in a front crawl, without stopping. A shallow end swim test consists of only one width of the shallow end. A swim test is required if: the camper wishes to swim in the middle or deep end, or the camper is over the age of six and wishes to swim in the shallow end without a lifejacket. The passing of the swim test is at the discretion of the lifeguards only. Campers may either be granted full access of the pool, partial access of the pool (shallow and middle end only) or may be asked to remain in the shallow end. Please note, campers ages 6 and under are required to wear a lifejacket, as per Uxpool policy, and are not required to participate in a swim test. |
Camp Inclusion |
If your child requires special assistance for one of our programs, please notify the Recreation Supervisor by June 7th, prior to registration, so that we can properly accommodate you. All 1:1 requests require an interview with the Recreation Supervisor to ensure that we are able to meet the needs of your camper. To meet the needs of as many participants as possible, families requiring 1:1 assistance can request support for up to two weeks of camp. If you have any questions regarding our 1:1 system, please contact the Recreation Supervisor at |
Refund Policy |
Please allow up to four weeks for the processing of refunds. |
Please contact 905-852-7831 for assistance with registration. All other inquiries can be directed to
March Break Camps
Register for a March Break Camp program
Frequently Asked Questions – March Break Camps
Age Requirements |
Our programming is designed for specific age groups. Age requirements for camp programming is based on the current calendar year. If your child meets the minimum age requirement of the camp by December 1, 2024, they are eligible to register. |
Camp Hours |
Camp hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm each day. The Township of Uxbridge is not responsible for your child before or after these operating hours.
Camper Code of Conduct |
The Township of Uxbridge is proud to provide safe, secure, and welcoming environments for all participants and staff members. Coarse language, bullying, vandalism, physical and/or aggressive behaviour, and/or any other behaviour that is deemed inappropriate is strictly prohibited. Such activity will be recorded, reported, and may result in removal from the camp program and/or facility at the discretion of the Recreation Manager. |
What to Bring |
The following is a list of items that will ensure you child(ren) has a positive camp experience:
Sr. Variety and Jr. Variety ONLY:
What needs to stay at home?
The Township of Uxbridge Summer Camps is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. |
Skating |
Jr. Variety and Sr. Variety campers will have the opportunity to skate daily at the Arena. If your camper chooses not to participate, there will be alternate activities available for them to do during this time. Please communicate with the Camp Supervisor if your child will not be participating in the skate. Requirements for skating:
Staff will only be able to provide minimal assistance to campers during the skating activity. Campers choosing to participate should be able to skate independently or bring a device to assist with skating. Campers will receive full assistance in tying their skates, if required. |
Allergies and Medical Concerns |
All campers with an allergy or medical concern(s) are required to complete a Medical Form before attending their first day of camp. Once registered, this form will emailed out to the participants’ email address on file ahead of the first day camp. If your child has an allergy that has not already been communicated to camp staff prior to the program start date, please email or call 905-852-7831 stating your child’s name, camp program, and dates attending, so that the allergy can properly be communicated. We ask that parents/guardians DO NOT pack any peanut/nut products in their camper’s lunch, due to the high volume of campers and staff with severe allergies. We thank you in advance for taking precautionary measures to ensure the safety of everyone. Medication If your camper requires medication during camp hours, please complete the Medical Form. All medication must be in its original container and campers should only bring the prescribed dosage for the hours that they attend camp. Proper administration instructions should also be included. Medication should be given directly to Camp Supervisor upon arrival and is not to be left in the care of the camper. The Camp Supervisor will assist with medication administration. Epi-Pen Campers who require an Epi-Pen are required to keep it with them AT ALL TIMES (we can provide a carrying device if necessary). If you are more comfortable having the Camp Supervisor carry it in their first-aid kit, please arrange that with them upon drop off Monday morning. |
In the Event of Illness |
If a camper falls ill while at camp, they will be placed in a quiet room with a staff person and isolated from the rest of the camp group. The camper’s parent/guardian will be contacted to pick up their camper immediately. |
Refund Policy |
Please allow up to four weeks for the processing of refunds. |
Please contact 905-852-7831 for assistance with registration. All other inquiries can be directed to
Community Registration Fair
Did you miss the Community Registration Fair that took place at the Uxbridge Arena recently? Not to worry! Below is a list of associations, organizations, clubs, and groups that were in attendance. Make sure to visit their websites (if applicable) and/or contact them directly for more information.
Uxbridge Recreation
Recreation, Camps:
Beach Cheer Athletics Uxbridge
@Beach Cheer Athletics North (FaceBook), Beach Cheer Athletics North
Annaleigh Acres Equine Assisted Learning Centre
Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Durham
Curves Fitness – Uxbridge
Friends Handicapable Group
Lake Simcoe Baseball Academy,
Maamawi Collective
North Durham Nature Club,
North Durham United Football Club
Oak Ridges Trail Association (ORTA)
Precious Minds
PROBUS Club of Uxbridge,
Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps #76 Uxbridge
Stupefied Theatrical Productions
@stupefiedtheatricalproductions (Facebook),
Uxbridge Bowl
Uxbridge Horseshoes Club
Uxbridge Lions Club
Uxbridge Run for the Diamond,
1st Uxbridge Scouts,
Uxbridge-Scott Historical Society,
Uxbridge Seniors Citizens Club,
Uxbridge Skating Club,
Uxbridge Swim Club
@UxbridgeSwimClub (Facebook),
Uxbridge Pole Walking Club
Uxbridge Tennis Club
@UxbridgeTennisClub (Facebook),
Uxbridge Youth Baseball
Vocally Inspired Performers (VIP)
416-805-7469 ,,
Woodland Trails Scouts Camp,
100 Men Who Care – Uxbridge
Looking for something to do during the spring and summer months? Visit the Rotary Skate Park, Pump Park or Splash Pad and spend the day outside with friends and family! Visit our Parks and Trails page for more details on park amenities.
Contact Us