April 2022 Newsletter
Spring has sprung…
The bulbs are blooming, the trees are budding, and again we find ourselves in the season of renewal. I hope everyone is safe, healthy and happy and is navigating our current circumstances as best they can. We, as the BIA board, are spending our days populating our fancy new website and planning our AGM for the near future
– it promises to be the best one yet!
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
We are always here to help.
And a friendly reminder to submit your business directory listing as soon as you can.
Christina Curry
BIA Chair, Local florist, cat lady
2022 Huck Finn Event
The annual Huck Finn Fishing event for youth is now a 2-week festival!
Saturday, April 30th - Saturday, May 14th at Elgin Pond in Uxbridge
Come by to visit us at the BIA Table on the following Saturdays:
April 30, May 7 or May 14.
We’ll be giving out grab-bags to kids aged 15 and under ~ 1 in 3 contains a surprise!
If you’d like to help out for an hour or two at the table, let us know!
Join our New online Directory!
The BIA’s new website comes with a FREE online directory!
Residents and visitors alike can use this tool to search for your product or service and find your location with google maps. Use this tool to update visitors on your curbside pickup service, in-store sales or online deals!
- Follow this link to register, enter your email and click Submit
- You will receive an email with a link to set your password; follow the process.
- With your new password you can then edit your listing by logging in here: (https://biadirectory.uxbridge.ca/Account/Login)
There are numerous fields - please ignore all but those listed below:
- Basic Info
- Contact Info
- Physical Address
- Descriptive Info
- Upload a Logo or an image of your business or service. Acceptable image files include .jpg or .png, and must measure 684 x 684 pixels to ensure no part of your logo is cut off. Save.
Envision Durham Reports
Two new reports have now been released by Durham Region - Envision Durham that may be of interest to local business/property owners and stakeholders within the Uxbridge:
- The Land Needs Assessment (LNA) exercise is currently being completed as part of Envision Durham’s Growth Management Study. Report #2022-INFO identifies additional land need scenarios intended to respond to comments received on four Technical Reports (all available at Envision Durham - Region of Durham), circulated during the summer and early fall of 2021. Regional staff and the Growth Management Study consultant team have identified five alternative land need scenarios related to how and where housing and future population growth can be accommodated, as well as two scenarios focused on Employment Area density targets.
- As detailed in Report #2022-P-7, a Regional Natural Heritage System (NHS) is a key component of Envision Durham and once implemented in the new Regional Official Plan will conform to planning policy set out by provincial legislation. To facilitate feedback on the draft Regional NHS, an interactive map viewer was developed to help facilitate input. Input on the draft Regional NHS is requested by May 2, 2022.
**The Province requires that natural features and areas be protected for the long term and that municipalities identify a “Natural Heritage System” (NHS). An NHS is defined as “a system made up of natural heritage features and areas1, and linkages intended to provide connectivity (at the regional or site level) and support natural processes which are necessary to maintain biological and geological diversity, natural functions, viable populations of indigenous species, and ecosystems. These systems can include natural heritage features and areas, federal and provincial parks and conservation reserves, lands that have been restored or have the potential to be restored to a natural state, areas that support hydrological functions and working landscapes that enable ecological functions to continue.”
These reports are being shared with all Envision Durham Interested Parties, Durham’s area municipalities, Indigenous communities, conservation authorities, the Building Industry and Land Development (BILD) – Durham Chapter, and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Circulation is also being provided to agencies and service providers that may have an interest in long-term growth planning in the region (school boards, hospitals, utility providers, etc.).
To ensure you receive the most up to date project information, please subscribe directly through the Envision Durham project web page at www.durham.ca/EnvisionDurham and click on the blue “Receive email updates” at the bottom of the page.
Copyright (C) 2022 Uxbridge BIA (Business Improvement Area). All rights reserved.
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