September BIA Newsletter
Save the Dates!
- Returning again this year is the Uxbridge BIA’s Spooky Saturday happening on October 28th. Spooky Saturday is a daytime family event where kids can dress up in costume and trick-or-treat at BIA businesses. Invitations to BIA businesses will be sent out soon via email! In the mean time, make sure to follow our social medias for more updates.
- Also returning this fall is Feargrounds Haunted Attraction presented by Tall Trees Events. Running every Friday & Saturday in October and the last Sunday (October 29th) from 7:00p.m.-11:00p.m. More information available online at feargrounds.ca
- Santa comes to town on November 18th for the annual Santa Claus Parade brought to you by the Township of Uxbridge in partnership with the Uxbridge BIA. New floats are always welcome! Register to today at https://www.uxbridge.ca/en/explore-and-play/santa-claus-parade.aspx
- Discover Uxbridge's Holiday Trail event returns December 8 and 9! All BIA businesses are encouraged to participate to make this event a huge success. This year’s theme is the Snowman. Start planning your windows! Get some inspiration by checking out last year’s event at https://discoveruxbridge.ca/holidaytrail/

Dinner and a Scare - Opportunity for Local Restaurants
CEBA Update
In addition to the OBIAA’s call on the Federal Government for CEBA deadline extensions, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business has begun a petition for the same request, adding additional pressures on the Government.
Sign the petition at https://www.cfib-fcei.ca/en/
Read the full article at https://obj.ca/feds-little-indication-they-will-extend-ceba-deadline/
'Dine Ontario' Initiative
From October 1-8, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is launching the Dine Ontario initiative to help promote Ontario restaurants as well as the great things that are grown and produced provincewide.
To participate restaurants must feature a special made with Ontario food and where possible paired with an Ontario wine, cider, craft beer or spirit. Free resources will be provided to help source Ontario products upon sign-up.
This promotion offers an awesome opportunity to increase traffic to your restaurant while also attracting tourists!
Those interested in signing up can visit https://www.ontario.ca/page/dine-ontario
OBIAA Homelessness Tool Kit
The OBIAA has launched its Homelessness Response Tool-Kit. This package contains excellent resources and informational guides for businesses impacted by the homeless community. The Tool-Kit can be found here.
OBIAA Accessibility Handbook
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