The Region of Durham provides the Township of Uxbridge with garbage services. A maximum of 4 bags per collection is allowed. Additional bags or garbage cans will be collected provided they have garbage tags affixed. Garbage tags may be purchased in-person at the Township of Uxbridge Treasury Department or online.

Region of Durham collection calendar

View our waste collection map to find your weekly collection date.

Not sure if an item is acceptable?

Visit the Region of Durham to find out how to dispose of waste, recyclables and compostable material. Large items can be scheduled for pickup through the Region by calling 1-800-667-5671. 

Waste management facilities

Find a waste management facility in the Region of Durham. Some larger household waste, hazardous waste and electronics must be disposed at a waste management facility.

Bins and garbage tags

Call 311 for delivery of green bins.

Call 1-888-852-4723 for delivery of blue boxes.  

Blue Boxes

Durham’s recycling program is now managed by Circular Materials. Reporting a missed collection and blue box replacement will be handled by Circular Materials’ local recycling contractor. There is no change to your current schedule or the materials you can recycle.
For any recycling collection inquiries contact:
Miller Waste

Green Bins

The Enhanced Green Bin program is now in effect for Durham Region. For more information about what can go into your green bin head to Region of Durham- Garbage .
For the delivery of a new green bin, call 311.  

*Township is currently out of stock of green and blue waste bins, please utilize alternative options listed above* 
The following bins can still be purchased from the Treasury Department at the Township of Uxbridge office:

  • Kitchen Waste Container $5
  • Curbside Green Bin $20
  • Blue Box $15
  • Garbage tags $2.50/tag (sold in sheets of 10 tags for $25)

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