You may need a building permit for any building and construction project in the Township of Uxbridge. Building permits ensure that your project is built safely and follows the Ontario Building Code. It is against the law to start construction or demolition before you have a building permit.

Do I need to apply for a building permit?

You MUST apply for a building permit for:
  • a new home (single detached, semi-detached or townhouse)
  • a new building(s), such as a new commercial or industrial building
  • a new farm building(s), such as barns, farm store buildings or manure storage facility (for new construction, alterations, additions, water connection, plumbing, sprinklers, or heating)
  • accessory structures (for new construction, alterations, or additions)
  • Pergola/trellis or gazebo, (if greater than 15 square metres)
  • creation of a second unit in a home (additional dwelling or basement apartment) – see secondary suites
  • any additions residential, commercial, or industrial building
  • sheds or other detached structures greater than 161.46ft2 (15m2) in area. 
  • raised porches, or decks of any size if they are attached to a building (new construction, alterations or additions) – If structure has a roof, or if it is higher than 24” off the ground. 
  • In-ground pool and/or above-ground pool – please refer to pool enclosure permit page for further details
  • Complete replacement of a deck or shed (even if using the same footprint as prior to construction).  New decks and sheds must comply with current zoning provisions on the property
  • Garages or carports (either attached, or detached from the home or building and for new construction, alterations, or additions)
  • any structural alterations to any existing building
  • renovations
  • demolition or relocation of a house or any existing building of other uses
  • plumbing additions and alterations in any building type
  • HVAC
  • All septic work (Contact the Region of Durham Health Department)
  • connections to water service or sanitary/storm sewers from any building type
  • Mobile and temporary signs – please refer to sign permits for further details
  • Rooftop solar panels and wall mounted solar panels
  • Demolition of a building
  • Change of use of building/suite

You DO NOT need a building permit for the following projects:

  • detached sheds and other structures less than 161.46ft2 (15m2) in area (provided it does not contain any plumbing).  All Zoning provision requirements will still apply.  Please contact the Development Services Department - Building Division Staff prior to proceeding with your project
  • Deck or porch (for new construction, alterations or additions) – if it is less than 24” off the ground
  • repairs or replacement of roofing, siding exterior finishing or chimneys
  • replacement of interior finishes, such as painting, flooring, trim, cabinets
  • replacement of plumbing fixtures (location needs to stay the same with no plumbing alteration)
  • replacement of a heating system
  • replacement of windows or doors, as long as same width of opening can be maintained
  • foundation waterproofing
Still not sure?  Please contact Development Services – Building Division staff at 905-852-9181 between regular business hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Monday to Friday, or email us at

Building permit applications 

Apply for your Building Permit Online!

The Township of Uxbridge is pleased to offer residents, builders, and the business community Cloudpermit – an online system to apply for and track building permit applications anytime and anywhere.  Permit Applications can be started, saved, and then completed later, with the option to receive status updates on progress.  You can even request building inspections!  

To get started, click the button below:

Apply for a Building Permit

Need help with Cloudpermit?

Getting started with Cloudpermit:  A Step by Step Guide to Cloudpermit

Good to Know - A guide outlining requirements and key details to effectively submit your electronic building permit application through the Cloudpermit platform.

Cloudpermit Support – Cloudpermit offers an online support portal to users, the ability to access online tutorial resources and view periodical release notes of updates to the Cloudpermit Platform and new features the program offers. 

Depending on your project, you may need to apply for:

Conservation Authority Approvals - Please speak to a Building Inspector to find out if you need approvals from other agencies such as Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority and Toronto Region Conservation Authority.

Complete Applications – If all required information has been received by members of the department, staff will contact you to arrange for further payment, if required.  Once payment has been processed, the prescribed review timeframes, as mandated by the Ontario Building Code will commence as outlined below:

  • 10 business days – residential
  • 15 business days – small buildings
  • 20 business days – large buildings
  • 30 business days – complex buildings

Incomplete Applications – If any required information is missing, the application will not be processed, and a member of the building services division staff will contact you.

Building permit forms

The following forms are available for you to fill out through the online e-permitting platform Cloudpermit:

Forms that may be required with the submission of your Building Permit Application


Development Charge Forms

Development charges are one-time fees collected from new development to help pay for new infrastructure that is related to growth.

Development charges are to be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit, unless otherwise specified in the development agreement.

All development charges (Township, Region and Education) are collected by the Township of Uxbridge and forwarded to the Region of Durham or the School Boards, as applicable.

If you are planning a new development, you may need to pay development charges. Please review the Development Charges By-law and consult with us for the charges that will apply to a specific development.  You can also view our Development Charges Background Study page for further information or visit our Development and Planning page for further details.

If it is determined through the building permit process that development charges are required, forms are available below for download, execution and submission to the Township (Township, Region and Education): 

Residential Development Charge Forms

Township - Residential (Please complete all of Section A)

Region - Residential (Please complete all of Section A)

Education - Residential (Please complete all of Section A) 

Non-Residential Development Charge Forms

Township - Non-Residential (Please complete all of Section A)

Region - Non-Residential (Please complete all of Section A)  


Need to book an inspection?  

  1. If you submitted your permit application through the Cloudpermit system, request an inspection online through the Cloudpermit Portal
  2. If you have a legacy permit or issues booking your inspection through the Cloudpermit portal, contact the Building Department by email at or by phone 905-852-9181 ext. 403

Inspection requests must be made prior to 12:00 p.m. (Noon) in order to obtain an inspection for the following business day.*

When requesting an inspection with the building services division, please ensure the following information has been provided:

  • Permit Number
  • Municipal Address
  • Inspection Type
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Telephone Number
  • Name of Inspector (if known)

*Inspections will be scheduled as staffing and time restraints permit but will be completed within two (2) business days.

Step by Step Guide to Cloudpermit - Please visit "To Request an Inspection" section of the guide for steps on how to book an inspection through the online Cloudpermit Portal.

Mandatory building inspections

Inspection Description 
Footing Prior to pouring concrete footings
Foundation Pre-backfill Upon completion of the foundation and prior to backfilling
Framing Completion of total framing, including electrical work, plumbing, central vacuum and heating rough-in
Insulation, air and Vapour Barrier Completion of insulation, air and vapour barriers, prior to applying the interior finishes
Fire separation The framing for the walls, floors and shaft fire separations, closures and fire stopping are complete, prior to applying for the interior finishes
Plumbing Outside Service  Installation of building drains and water supply to building
Plumbing Inside Service Installation of building drains and water supply under basement floor
Plumbing Rough-in Prior to installing insulation
Final Plumbing Installation of hot water tank and all required plumbing fixtures, prior to occupancy
HVAC Rough-in Prior to installing insulation
Final HVAC Installation of furnace and all required systems and grilles, prior to occupancy
Occupancy Completion of finishes, handrails, guards, smoke alarms and gas proofing, etc., prior to occupancy
Final  Completion of all exterior work including site grading, caulking, balconies, landings and finish materials

Permit fees

The area of the building often sets the cost of a building permit. In some cases, the building permit fee is fixed.  Please refer to the Township of Uxbridge fee schedule for more information.

Municipal rural numbering address signs

Property owners in the Township of Uxbridge are required to display a municipal street address at every improved road.  These green and white reflective property identification signs are often called "911 number signs" and they are used as part of the 911 Emergency Services System.  The reflective green and white property signs are recommended for rural properties as they can be easily seen at night.  It is recommended that signs are also installed at vacant rural properties.  Property owners "emergency number" and "municipal address" are one and the same.  
It is also mandatory to display a municipal address on properties in urban areas.  The reflective green and white signs may be used, but other types of numbers may be placed on the building and is required to be visible during daylight hours.  

A fee of $36.00 is applicable for a Municipal Rural Numbering Address and will need to be prepaid to the Tax Department (by cash, cheque or debit) prior to the Building Department placing an order for the sign.  Signs will take approximately two (2) weeks for arrival and the Building Department will contact property owners when the sign is available for pick-up.

For more information or to request an address for your property; including ordering a reflective 911 number sign, please contact Mildred Barrett - Building Department at 905-852-9181 ext. 229 or by email at 

Learn more about the importance of having a 911 number sign on your rural property by learning about the Emily Project, HOME | Farm 911.

Have any questions? Contact us and a Building Inspector will walk you through the process. 



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