Coming Soon! The Township is moving to an on-line planning application platform. As part of that transition, we now require electronic copies to be submitted via a USB key for all applications.
In the Township of Uxbridge, we are committed to responsible growth and development. Review our current development applications and find out how we are planning for future development through our Official Plan and Zoning By-law.
Before you start
Prior to submitting an application, you should book a pre-consultation meeting. The fee for a Pre-Consultation Meeting is $769. Contact us and we will set up a meeting and review your development proposal.
Learn how to apply for the following development and planning applications:
Development Charges
New development including each new housing and commercial unit and the corresponding occupancy of that unit generates capital costs for the Township. Development charges are one-time fees collected from new development to help fund the net cost of capital infrastructure related to growth.
The Province of Ontario enacted the Development Charges Act, 1997, which gives municipalities the authority to create development charges by-laws to help recover some of the capital costs incurred in providing services to residential and non-residential developments, while also setting limits on the types of infrastructure costs development charges can fund.
Development Charges are used to ensure that the cost of providing infrastructure to service new development is not borne by existing residents and businesses in the form of higher property taxes.
If you are planning to build new residential, commercial or industrial units, you may need to pay development charges. Please consult with us and review the Township's Development Charges By-laws for the charges that will apply to a specific development. Further information is also available on our Development Charges Background Study website page.
Development Charges Calculations
The Township of Uxbridge’s development charges apply to most new buildings and some expansions. The Township uses current development charges rates and the following criteria, to calculate development charges:
- In the case of residential development or the residential portion of a mixed-use development, based upon the number and type of dwelling units (ie single house, semi-detached house, row house or apartment); and
- In the case of non-residential (ie. commercial, industrial or institutional) development or the non-residential portion of a mixed-use development, based upon the gross floor area of such development (square metres).
The Development Charges by-laws may provide for credits, exemptions and special provisions for residential and non-residential development.
The Region of Durham and School Boards are responsible for setting their own development charge by-laws and rates. The Region of Durham and School Boards provide the Township of Uxbridge with the calculation of their development charges to be collected, based on information provided by the applicants.
Collecting Development Charges
Development charges are to be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit, unless otherwise specified in the development agreement.
All development charges (Township, Region and Education) are collected by the Township of Uxbridge and forwarded to the Region of Durham or the School Boards, as applicable.
Indexing of Development Charge Rates
The Township's Development Charges By-laws provide for the automatic indexing of of the Development Charges, without amendment, annually on July 1st of each year in accordance with the most recent twelve-month change in the Statistics Canada Quarterly Construction Price Statistics, as prescribed by the Development Charges Act.
Note that the first adjustment will commence on July 1st, 2024, based upon the change in the prescribed index for the six-month period preceding the most recent issue of the index.
Annual Treasurer's Statement
The Development Charges Act requires the Treasurer of the municipality to provide Council with a statement annually regarding each development charge reserve fund established under the Act. The statement reflects the opening and closing balances of each year, the current year's distribution of the development charges proceeds, any financing transfers and the interest earned on the funds. Details of the financing transfers to specific projects/accounts accompanies the annual statement. The Treasurer’s Annual Statement may be viewed by contacting the Township of Uxbridge, during regular business hours.
Residential development charges |
View the residential development charges for all new residential developments. Residential Development Charge Rates (as of July 1st, 2024)
*Related to a Highway |
Non-residential development charges |
View the non-residential development charges for all new non-residential developments. All charges are per square metre of floor area. Non-residential Development Charge Rates (as of July 1st, 2024)
*Related to a Highway |
Development Charges Fees Charts
Single Family Dwelling (Standard Fees) - Effective January 2025 (Town Fees)/ Effective July 2024 (Development Charges Town)/Effective January 2025 (Development Charges Region)/Effective May 2024 (Development Charges Education)
Development Charges Fees Chart (Township, Region, Education) - Effective July 2024 (Town)/January 2025 (Region)/May 2024 (Education)
Planning fees
View the planning fees in the Township of Uxbridge.
Subdivision and condominium fees |
The following fees below apply to subdivision and condominium applications. Further information can be found on the Subdivision Development page.
If you need to revise your plan of subdivision or condominium, it costs $3,588. |
Zoning by-law amendment fees |
The following fees below apply to zoning by-law amendment applications and minor variances.
*Plus all external costs |
Site plan fees |
The following fees below apply to site plan applications. Further information can be found on the Site Plans page.
Review fees |
Consent applications |
Committee of Adjustment fees |
The following fees below apply to Committee of Adjustment applications. Further information can be found on the Committee of Adjustment page.
Other fees/permits |
Review other development and permit fees in the Township of Uxbridge.
Sign permit fees |
Review the sign permit fees in the Township of Uxbridge.
Fill permit fees |
Review the fill permit fees in the Township of Uxbridge.
Contact Us