There are a variety of boards, committees and initiatives that advise Township Council on important issues. Browse our committees and learn how to get involved.

Committee Application Form

Join a Committee

Please download a Committee Application form using the link above, and submit both your completed application form as well as a resume or letter of interest outlining your relevant qualifications and experiences by email to  

Applicants are selected in accordance with the Township's Public Appointment Policy.

The Township of Uxbridge is an Equal Opportunity Employer that is dedicated to an inclusive, barrier-free recruitment and selection process. The Township is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion within its community and organization, and welcomes and encourages applications from Indigenous Peoples, people of colour, women, persons who live with disabilities, people from 2SLGBTQI+ communities, and people from diverse communities. When requested, the Township of Uxbridge will accommodate applicants throughout the recruitment and selection and/or assessment process, pursuant to the Ontario Human Rights Code. These commitments also apply to our Board and Committee recruitment and selection processes.

Committee Opportunities



The Council of the Township of Uxbridge invites applications from members of the public who are qualified electors of the Township of Uxbridge, and who wish to be considered for the Museum Advisory Committee for a twenty-month appointment (Term of Council, expiring November 2026).  

The Township of Uxbridge Museum Advisory Committee (MAC) works with Council and the Uxbridge Historical Centre to preserve and share the history and heritage of the Uxbridge community. They review museum plans, policies, and programs to ensure that they are in alignment with Township's strategic plan. The MAC is responsible for advising on museum standards and best practices, as well as planning for the site's future and growth. This includes developing and implementing policies and researching/ applying for grants. The work of the MAC will be guided by Council-approved Terms of Reference. 

The Committee meets on the second Monday of the month from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm.  

Any persons interested in offering their services by accepting an appointment to this Committee are invited to submit a letter of interest along with a completed Volunteer-Committee Member Application Form, available at the Clerk’s Department or on the Township of Uxbridge website to the undersigned. 

Completed applications must be submitted to the undersigned by email to:

Emily Elliott                                                              
Deputy Clerk                                                                                                
P.O. Box 190
51 Toronto Street South
Uxbridge, ON L9P 1T1                                                                                                       

The Township of Uxbridge is committed to ensuring that our community is fully accessible for residents and visitors alike. We do this by following the regulations outlined in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), our Accessible Customer Service Policy and by removing barriers so individuals can access programs and services in our community.

If this information is required in an accessible format, or if you require assistance filling in, printing or signing the application form please email or contact the Deputy Clerk/Uxbridge Accessibility Coordinator.

The Township of Uxbridge is an Equal Opportunity Employer that is dedicated to an inclusive, barrier-free recruitment and selection process. The Township is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion within its community and organization, and welcomes and encourages applications from Indigenous Peoples, people of colour, women, persons who live with disabilities, people from 2SLGBTQI+ communities, and people from diverse communities. When requested, the Township of Uxbridge will accommodate applicants throughout the recruitment and selection and/or assessment process, pursuant to the Ontario Human Rights Code. These commitments also apply to our Board and Committee recruitment and selection processes.

Personal information is collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 

Our Committees

Learn about each board and committee in the Township of Uxbridge.

Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Accessibility Advisory Committee provides advice to council about the accessibility plan and how to create a barrier-free, accessible community.

Active Transportation Committee

The Active Transportation Committee advocates for and assists with the development and implementation of active transportation, such as bicycle paths and pedestrian walkways, and the necessary plans and policies.

Age Friendly Committee

The Age Friendly Committee recommends ways to develop programs and services to encourage residents to age in place and remain engaged in all aspects of civic and social life.

Business Improvement Area

The Uxbridge Business Improvement Area (BIA) offers networking events, local business support and more for businesses located within the BIA zone

Canada Day Advisory Committee

The Canada Day Advisory Committee plans, budgets and organizes the Canada Day community celebrations each year.

Climate Adaptation and Transition Committee (CATC)

The CATC provides a community perspective on the impact of climate change and helps steer the Township’s response to climate change, provides advice to the Council and Township of Uxbridge staff as it relates to carrying out and implementing the strategies and goals outlined in the Township of Uxbridge Conservation & Demand Management Plan 2019-2023, the Durham Community Climate Adaption Plan and, Seizing the Opportunity: The Clean Energy in Durham Plan, and provides advice, support, and guidance to Council regarding climate change adaptation, clean energy transitions, energy conservation, and other areas of local concern as it relates to climate change.

Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment hears all minor variance application requests in the event your development does not comply with the zoning by-law.

Downtown Revitalization Committee

The Downtown Revitalization Committee provides advice and a community perspective on how to achieve the Downtown Vision as it relates to the Downtown Revitalization Strategic Plan and Action Plan.

Economic Development Committee

The Economic Development Committee works to attract, develop and retain business in the Township of Uxbridge.

Environment and Sustainability Committee

The Environment and Sustainability Committee meets the third Monday of every month at the Township offices. To inquire about attending a meeting please contact Councillor Shreeve

Fence Viewers

Fence Viewers help resolve disputes between neighbouring property owners, following the processes outlined in the Line Fences Act.

Goodwood Community Association

The Goodwood Community Association actively promotes the use of the Goodwood Community Centre, and makes recommendations to improve the facility and its operation. 

Heritage Committee

The Heritage Committee advocates for the preservation and conservation of heritage properties within the Township, and are committed to celebrating the Township's heritage and culture.

Library Board

The Library Board is responsible for making policies for the operation of the Uxbridge Public Library. This includes getting funding, creating programs and services and promoting the library in the community.

Museum Advisory Committee

The Township of Uxbridge Museum Advisory Committee (MAC) advises, comments on, recommends, and assists with the operation and management of the culture and heritage hub, the Uxbridge Historical Centre. MAC also advises upon the delivery of museum services to the community and ensures compliance with relevant municipal, provincial and federal legislation.

Music Hall Board

The Music Hall Board operates the Uxbridge Music Hall, the centre of arts and culture in the Township of Uxbridge.

Property Standards Committee

The Property Standards Committee hears appeals to orders issued under the property standards by-law for the Township of Uxbridge.

Region of Durham Land Division Committee

The Durham Land Division Committee can help you get approval (consent) for dividing your property. Before applying for consent, you should speak with the Township Development Services Department.

Sandford Community Association

The Sandford Community Association actively promotes the use of the Sandford Community Centre and makes recommendations to improve the facility and its operation.

Santa Claus Parade Committee

The Santa Claus Parade Committee organizes the annual Santa Claus Parade for the Township of Uxbridge.

Tourism Advisory Committee

The Tourism Advisory Committee works to promote tourism attractions and events, including the creation of an Uxbridge Tourism Plan, maps and services for tourists.

Uxbridge Town Trails Committee

The Uxbridge Town Trails Committee oversees the development of new recreation trails and the maintenance of existing trails in the urban areas.

Zephyr Community Association

The Zephyr Community Association actively promotes the use of the Zephyr Community Centre and makes recommendations to improve the facility and its operation.

Code of Conduct for Boards and Committee Members

As a member of one of our boards or committees, it is your responsibility to review and follow the Township's Council Code of Conduct.

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