The Township of Uxbridge is committed to financial transparency. We publish our budget and financial statements and encourage you to look through our financial documents.

2024 Budget

Council formally approved the 2024 Budget on February 12, 2024.

View the FINAL - Operating Budget - 2024 and 2025

View the FINAL - Capital Investment Plan - 2024 to 2033

View our asset management plan and development charges to learn more about our financial operations.

View our 2024 operating & capital budgets summary charts.  

Budget Components

Operating Budget

The Township's operating budget covers the cost of everyday operations and activities, such as:

  • Parks and playgrounds
  • Sports fields and trails
  • Recreation programs
  • Facilities
  • Municipal services
  • Parking
  • Fire and emergency services
  • Library
  • Snow clearing and maintenance of roads, bridges, culvert, sidewalks, storm water and street lights

The operating budget includes expenditures, such as:

  • Utilities
  • Rent
  • Insurance
  • Staff wages and benefits
  • Program supplies
  • Consulting
  • Contract work
  • Transportation
  • Repairs and maintenance costs

Funds for the operating budget typically come from property taxes, fees, charges, grants, cost recover, donations, contributions and other miscellaneous items.

Capital Budget

The capital budget outlines the Township's plan to take care of what it owns and plan for the future. Through the capital budget, the Township is investing capital funds into Uxbridge's infrastructure, ensuring current and future generations will be able to enjoy all the opportunities Uxbridge has to offer. The budget focuses on taking care of existing infrastructure, such as:

  • Road reconstruction
  • Park improvements
  • Recreation facility upgrades
  • Fleet replacement
  • Building upgrades

We focus on prioritizing infrastructure projects identified through the Asset Management Plan. The capital budget is funded through project property taxes, reserve funds, development charges, contributions and grants.

Budget Process

Through the annual budget, program and service levels are set, expenditures for delivering programs and services are estimated and we determine how to fund these expenses. The budget process consists of:

  • Preparation of department operating and capital budgets
  • Detailed internal review
  • Open house budget meeting (provides an opportunity for the public to meet with Council and department heads to discuss budget items and other concerns)
  • Public budget meetings (allow departments to present budgets and Council deliberates budget amounts and issues an may make changes to the budget)
  • Approval and adoption of the operating and capital budget

Although the Township prepares and approves a two-year operating budget and a 10-year capital budget, the Municipal Act requires that the Township must review the budget each year and make changes if required and re-adopt the budget.

Through this budget process, the Township determines the amount of property tax revenues needed and sets property tax rates for the year.

Past Budgets

Review the past capital and operating budgets for the Township of Uxbridge:

 Past Budgets from 2010 - 2022

2023 Operating Budget and 2023 Capital Budget

2022 Operating Budget and 2022 Capital Budget

2021 Operating Budget and 2021 Capital Budget

2020 Operating Budget and 2020 Capital Budget

2019 Operating Budget and 2019 Capital Budget

2018 Operating Budget and 2018 Capital Budget

2017 Operating Budget and 2017 Capital Budget

2016 Operating Budget and 2016 Capital Budget

2015 Operating Budget and 2015 Capital Budget

2014 Operating Budget and 2014 Capital Budget

2013 Operating Budget and 2013 Capital Budget

2012 Operating Budget and 2012 Capital Budget

2011 Operating Budget and 2011 Capital Budget

2010 Operating Budget and 2010 Capital Budget 

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