On Saturday July 6th, 85 dedicated volunteers gathered at the Fields of Uxbridge to lend their time and efforts to the Uxbridge Mini-Forest project.

The first phase of the Mini-Forest project was to prepare the site and soil for future planting. Volunteers put down 2800 sq. ft. of wet cardboard before layering 25 yards of compost on top. Then 20 yards of wood chip mulch was added. This preparation enhances and amends the soil, preparing it for the 600 native trees and shrubs which will soon be planted to create the first Uxbridge Mini-Forest.

The mini forest project is a unique and innovative initiative undertaken by the Township of Uxbridge, in partnership with the Rotary Club of Uxbridge and Little Forests Durham. Over time, it will transform a small plot of land at the Fields of Uxbridge into a thriving, dense forest ecosystem.

The Township would like to thank all the volunteers from the 11U Uxbridge Grizzles baseball team, Rotarians, Little Forests Durham, Uxbridge Trails volunteers and Uxbridge community.

Miller Compost and Uxbridge Tree Services made an in-kind donation of compost and wood chips. Blue Heron Books and Ark Fair Trade made a substantial donation of cardboard towards the project.

This project is made possible by the funding and support from Green Communities Canada, the Greenbelt Foundation, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, the Rotary Club of Uxbridge, Little Forests Durham and the Township of Uxbridge.

Mor information regarding the upcoming planting date to be announced later this year.

For more information about this project, please email trails@uxbridge.ca.

Mini Forest Volunteers PictureUxbridge Mini Forest Volunteers at Fields of Uxbridge

Mini Forest Volunteers at Work PictureUxbridge Mini Forest Volunteers at Work

Mini Forest Volunteers at Work PictureUxbridge Mini Forest Volunteers at Work

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