for Uxbridge Urban Area Servicing Allocation Reservation Policy
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Council Chambers- Town Hall
51 Toronto Street South
Uxbridge, ON L9P 1T1
6:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. (Presentation at 6:45 P.M.)
The purpose of this Public Open House is to provide members of the public an opportunity to learn about the proposed changes to the Township’s Urban Area Residential Servicing Allocation Reservation Policy (Policy) and provide comments and feedback.
The Region of Durham is responsible for wastewater and water services under statute and has the ultimate authority over such services. However, the Township has had a Servicing Allocation Policy since 2010 (By-law 2010-085). The Policy was developed to ensure that servicing capacity allocation is reserved to best meet the objectives of the Township, as determined by Township Council, and to implement Provincial, Regional and Township policies to manage development in a manner which efficiently uses land, existing resources, infrastructure and public service facilities.
The Policy has been amended several times since 2010 to reflect changes in the planning and development of the Urban Area. However, as a result of ongoing changes to the planning policy framework in the Province, the Region and the Township, particularly with respect to the Uxbridge Urban Area, downtown and greenfield areas, the need for a review of the current policy was identified.
The proposed revised Policy is intended to reinforce the directions in the current policy as well as providing clarification of the reservation process and the associated criteria/conditions for approval of reservation with respect to matters such as affordable housing and the Downtown.
A copy of the draft policy is available online on the Township’s Website at and in the Development Services Department at Town Hall, 51 Toronto Street South.
Comments can be provided through written or oral submissions in accordance with the following:
1. Oral Submission
Oral submissions may be provided at the Public Open House and will be limited to 5 minutes per person. In order to provide an oral submission, you are required to pre-register with the Development Services Department by email at, or telephone at 905-852-9181 ext. 212 before 12:00 p.m. (Noon) on Friday, February 21, 2025. Please include your full name, and address. You will be contacted by the Development Services Department to confirm your participation.
2. Written Submission
Written submissions will also be accepted following the Public Open House until March 4, 2025 and can be submitted to the attention of:
Haley Dickson
Senior Planning Technician, Township of Uxbridge
Cody Morrison
Chief Planner, Township of Uxbridge
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