2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the Incorporation of the Township of Uxbridge. To help celebrate the Township will be handing out free packets of Cosmos seeds at Town Hall.

Cosmos flowers are hardy and low maintenance. Blooming from the summer through fall, they attract birds, bees, and butterflies to your garden. They’re grown easily from seeds and will survive in hot and dry climates. Some tips for planting and maintaining Cosmos seeds include:

  • Planting them in an area that gets full sun
  • Just sow seeds lightly—no more than 1/4-inch deep
  • Cosmos can survive in poor soil. It is recommended not to use rich soil or any fertilizer
  • Watering them regularly at first, but once established they don’t need to be watered, unless its unusually dry
  • Pruning dead heads is important to prolong flowering throughout the summer
  • The plants can grow anywhere from 18 to 60 inches tall, so plan accordingly. Due to their height, growing them against a fence or other plants can provide support and prevent them from flopping over
  • Cosmos is an annual. At the end of the growing season, if you allow the dead flower heads to drop their seeds, the seeds will go dormant and sprout when the soil warms up again in the spring

Cosmos are a beautiful addition to any garden and are also good as a cut flower. Consider adding Cosmos to your gardens this year and celebrate 50 years of the Township of Uxbridge!

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