Volunteers and representatives from the Provincial Government gathered at Herrema Fields in Uxbridge on May 10th to participate in the fifth annual Provincial Day of Action on Litter. The litter clean up event was supported by members of Township of Uxbridge Council, Township staff, and volunteers from the Town of Uxbridge Trails Committee, the 1st Uxbridge Scouts, the Greenbelt Foundation, the Schad Foundation and by the Clorox Company. Volunteers gathered 7 bags of litter, and pounds of scrap metal from the soccer fields, playground, parking lot, grassy verges, and the Barton Trailhead.

The Hon. MPP Andrea Khanjin, Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks and Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks MPP Andrew Dowie participated in the event and were joined by the Hon. MPP Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance and elected representative for the Pickering/Uxbridge riding.

The Provincial Day of Action on Litter occurs on the second Tuesday of May, bringing awareness of the impacts of waste on our environment.  The Day of Action is more than about picking up litter, it is an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of reducing, diverting and properly disposing waste and reducing litter. Litter can spill into our waterways and break down into micro-plastics in the environment – harming wildlife and damaging entire ecosystems. The Day of Action on Litter empowers citizens, municipalities and businesses across the province to create a greener, cleaner and more sustainable environment for ourselves and future generations. Learn more at Act on Litter | ontario.ca.

group of attendees behind collection of trash

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