2024 Development Charges Background Study

New development including each new housing and commercial unit and the corresponding occupancy of that unit generates capital costs for the Township. Development charges are one-time fees collected from new development to help fund the net cost of capital infrastructure related to growth.

The Province of Ontario enacted the Development Charges Act, 1997 (DCA), which gives municipalities the authority to create development charges by-laws to help recover some of the capital costs incurred in providing services to residential and non-residential developments, while also setting limits on the types of infrastructure costs development charges can fund.

The 2024 Development Charges Background Study identifies the development-related capital costs which are forecast to occur in the Township of Uxbridge. The analysis required for this study included the formulation of growth forecasts related to population, housing and employment, and the associated forecast of the capital infrastructure costs needed to service the proposed growth, while maintaining the Township’s historical service levels to its residents and businesses.

View the 2024 Development Charges Background Study for a complete overview of the report findings.

Further details are outlined in By-law 2024-038 and 2024-039.

The Development Charges (DC) rates presented in the respective By-laws are subject to the provisions of the Development Charges Act, 1997.

At the time of passing (May 6, 2024), Development Related Studies were not considered an eligible capital cost under the DCA.

In addition, the DC rates were subject to a five-year “phase in” in accordance with the Act.

As of June 6, 2024, Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act (2024) received Royal Assent.  As such, the amendments to the Development Charges Act and to Ontario Regulation 82/98 under the DCA include:

  • The inclusion of studies within the eligible capital costs; and
  • The removal of the mandatory phase-in of charges.

Therefore, the DC rates as presented in By-Law 2024-038 and 2024-039 will be charged effective June 6, 2024, subject to annual indexing and future amendments to the DCA.

Historical Background Studies and By-laws

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