Erecting a permanent or temporary sign in the Township of Uxbridge? Make sure to review our Sign By-law, which has community appearance and safety, and heritage district regulations. It is recommended that you contact the Development Services Department prior to submitting a Sign Permit Application.
The downtown area of the Township of Uxbridge is considered a Heritage District. Commercial buildings must follow the Heritage Sign Guidelines. To see if your business or property falls within the Heritage District, please view the Heritage District Map for area details. Please review our fact sheet for further information and requirements for sign permits required within the Special Sign District.
Apply for a sign permit
Apply for your Sign Permit Online!
The Township of Uxbridge is pleased to offer residents, builders, and the business community Cloudpermit – an online system to apply for and track building permit applications anytime and anywhere. Permit Applications can be started, saved, and then completed later, with the option to receive status updates on progress. You can even request building inspections!
To get started, click the button below:
Need help with Cloudpermit?
Getting started with Cloudpermit: A Step by Step Guide to Cloudpermit
Cloudpermit Support – Cloudpermit offers an online support portal to users, the ability to access online tutorial resources and view periodical release notes of updates to the Cloudpermit Platform and new features the program offers.
Requirements for sign permit application |
Before applying for your sign permit application, please review the Heritage District Map to see if your business or property falls within the Hertiage District Area. Commercial buildings must follow Heritage Sign Guidelines if you fall within the Heritage District Area. A helpful fact sheet provides further information and details for sign permits within the Heritage Sign District. Sign Permit requirements:
If your sign requires a variance from the provisions in the Sign By-law, there is an added fee of $290 per review. If you put up your sign before a permit has been issued, you are subject to double the applicable fee.
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